Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls


I love blue and white! Do you? Today these blue and white rooms rooms inspired me. Each one is unique and so lovely. ENJOY!

Sunday Strolls + Scrolls is a series inspired by the interiors and exterior spaces I fell in love with while scrolling the internet. I particularly enjoy finding spaces and ideas that reflect a sense of sanctuary! I hope this series will feel as relaxing and enjoyable to you as a leisurely walk down a charming street, a peaceful stroll through a garden or finally getting to peek inside a lovely neighborhood home during a Sunday open house. 

Browse all past Sunday Strolls & Scrolls inspiration posts here.

Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls
Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls
Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls
Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls
Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls
Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls
Blue and White Rooms: Sunday Strolls and Scrolls

Blue and White Decor (132+ Pieces I Love) ^^

Blue + White + Natural Coastal Style

My Blue and White Checked Curtains + Bird Art

My Favorite Blue and White Dishes

Meaningful Christmas: Our Blue and White Nativity Set

Inspired By: Navy Blue

Credit : Source Post

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