Diablo 4 didn’t launch with NPC followers as seen in previous entries of the franchise, but Season of the Construct is looking to change that by giving players their own highly customizable robotic companion, courtesy of fan-favorite character Zoltun Kulle and his apprentice, Ayuzhan.
Season 3 of Blizzard’s ARPG will see players looking to put a stop to a powerful artifact, The Loom, that was originally made by Kulle to aid mankind but has since been corrupted by an amorphous terror demon, Malphas. To put a stop to Malphas and his army of evil constructs, players are going to need some powerful help.
Enter the Seneschal construct. A spider-like arcane robot, the Seneschal can be outfitted with different abilities, called Governing Stones, and ability modifiers, called Tuning Stones, that allow players to tune the construct to fit their playstyle. Looking for a robotic companion that can shoot out chain lightning to clear an entire screen-worth of enemies? The Seneschal can do that, in part because it scales 1:1 with players themselves, getting more powerful as players do.
For those who prefer to do their own demon slaying, the Seneschal can also be tailored to fill more of a support role, healing players, dishing out crowd-control effects to enemies, or putting up a defensive barrier that blocks projectiles. The construct’s Governing Stones and Tuning Stones can both be upgraded, making the robotic companion the main way players will increase their power in Season 3.
A personal death robot isn’t the only new feature being added in Season of the Construct. It also will introduce a new activity: Vaults. These new types of dungeons, in addition to being filled with monsters, are also filled with deadly traps for players to dip, dive, and dodge their way through. Those who can overcome the Vault’s dangers with minimal damage from its traps will be duly rewarded. Season 3 will additionally introduce a new hub-area, the Gatehall. Located underground in Kehjistan, the Gatehall includes all the necessary vendors like the Occultist and Blacksmith that players expect, as well as new seasonal vendors and portals that will quickly transport them to various locations across Sanctuary.
Though it won’t be coming right at launch, Season 3 will eventually see the addition of Diablo 4’s previously announced leaderboard system, The Gauntlet. There will be separate leaderboards for each class, as well as for groups of players and those playing Hardcore characters. Players will compete to earn high scores in a weekly rotating dungeon, and those who reach certain milestones will unlock unique profile customization options that serve as bragging rights.
As with previous seasons, Season of the Construct is additionally an opportunity for Blizzard to add new items and various quality-of-life features fans have been asking for. Alongside other smaller changes, Season 3 will see the addition of WASD movement controls for PC players, an extra stash tab, near-constant Helltides for players to farm, a much-requested skill tree respec-mode, and a better chance of receiving higher power items post level 75. Season 3 will introduce six new Unique items and seven new Legendary Aspects, all of which Blizzard is keeping under wraps for now. In another welcome change that applies to the game’s seasons, players will also be able to play straight through new seasonal questline, rather than having to complete chapters of the game’s Season Journey in order to unlock the next stage of the quest.
Diablo 4 Season of the Construct begins on January 23, with more information about the season, including its new Unique items, Legendary Aspects, and class-balance changes, coming at a later date.
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