WWE Wrestlemania 2024 Night 1 Results And Review: The Rock And Roman Reigns Stand Tall

This might be the biggest tag team match in Wrestlemania history–and that’s saying a lot. Oh, and by the way, the official attendance figure for tonight was 72,543 people selling out the Linc.

First of all, let’s talk about Seth’s gear. It was absolutely perfect, complete with a long train. No other man in WWE has style that anywhere near rivals Rollins and tonight he’s taken it to another level. What’s more, this was just night one. Seth has another match, and theoretically another outfit, tomorrow.

I was going to complain about The Rock’s entrance being a half-hour long, but the Brahma Bull ring of fire is too cool to be mad about. The title belt still makes no sense, regardless of who gave it to him. But if this keeps him from fighting for an actual championship, I’m fine with it. Though the announcers were talking about his 12-week training camp for this match. If he’s the “Final Boss,” shouldn’t he always be ready? Shang Tsung didn’t get a 12-week training camp.

It’s shocking to think that this is technically Rollins’ first Wrestlemania main event. Sure, he cashed in Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania, but that wasn’t his billed match.

There was a bit of poetry having Seth and Roman start things out. They’ve crossed paths in the Wrestlemania main event and, of course, they have their shared history in The Shield. I’d love a long-term feud between a babyface Rollins and a heel Reigns. I hope we get that eventually. Their small feud earlier in Roman’s reign just wasn’t enough for me.

The strange thing about The Rock is he works like more of a big man now because, well, he’s a very big man. It’s an entirely different style of wrestling than when he was on the active roster. It’s strange to see him tossing people like Seth Rollins around, rather than bumping like a maniac all over the ring. Honestly, could you imagine this Rock taking the “Stone Cold” Stunner the way he used to?

The press room popped loud when The Rock told the referee if he counted anyone out, he was fired. He’s on the board of directors, so he can certainly do that. What a dastardly heel thing to do. And it made the long stretch of fighting outside of the ring make sense. Honestly, it’s the little things that make a match work.

Having Rock and Reigns meticulously tear apart the leg of Seth Rollins throughout the match was kind of a brilliant choice, honestly. It keeps Cody seething in the corner, makes Rollins sympathetic, and adds a brand new dimension to his title defense on night two.

There were a couple of pints mid-match where it sounded, at least in the press box, like the crowd got quiet. There are a couple of possible reasons for that. They could be tired. Or they could be freezing. It’s currently 47 degrees Fahrenheit.

All told, this was a hell of a main event. with a perfectly telegraphed sequence close to the end. Roman spearing Rock, the stereo pedigrees, Rollins’ big dive off the top rope onto Roman, it was all fantastic and it made it seem like Cody and Seth could somehow overcome the odds. And that Rock Bottom from Cody through the table was a thing of absolute beauty and immediately followed by Roman spearing Seth through the barricade.

The outcome of the match, with Rock and Roman winning, isn’t a surprise. And, honestly, knowing the likely outcome didn’t ruin this match at all. And makes tomorrow more interesting.

Winners: Roman Reigns and The Rock via pinfall.

Rating: 8.5/10

Credit : Source Post

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