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As fast decorating and creating picture perfect images increasingly has become the norm, I’ve become even more passionate about the value of creating a sanctuary. It’s no surprise studies show people are more anxious and overwhelmed than ever. The more socially connected we become, the more disconnected we feel from what (and who!) really matters.
One thing is clear, we all need a peaceful place to retreat and recharge so we can become the people we want to be.
I love to teach and inspire others to love the gentle art of creating a sanctuary.
You can learn how to create a beautiful and authentic home! And guess what? Decorating can be FUN! When you go through my HomeBody Gathering Place courses and resources, you’ll see I teach more than just decorating principles. I show you ways to have fun and savor each season of your home-creating journey.
As an HGP, member you’ll learn fun and practical ways to create a sacred space and make it feel special and meaningful to the people who matter most.

For the first time ever, I’m offering instant access to THREE of my foundational courses (including Room Recipe Workshop!) These courses and MORE are available now to new and current HomeBody Gathering Place members (as well as our new weekly style lessons and custom printables!).
Room Recipe Workshop and our spring session for HomeBody Gathering Place is NOW OPEN for a limited time.
In our three foundational courses, you will learn how to create a sanctuary you love! Join us in the HomeBody Gathering Place. I share step by step decorating methods along with tips and techniques you can use to design spaces with what you already have. Plus you will learn how to effortlessly (and affordably!) evolve your home and style in each season so it continues to be a reflection of you and the people you love.

Join us in HomeBody Gathering Place today to get started with our three step foundational courses on creating a sanctuary!
In step one you will receive our exclusive HomeBody Notebook printable downloads to help you organize your home, plans and projects. You’ll learn a simple rhythm to prioritize your time, resources and expectations for your home so you can create a sanctuary in every season.
In step two you’ll go through our Sanctuary Style course to focus on discovering and embracing your own style. You’ll learn how to find the right inspiration for your spaces and to set up helpful style boards for any rooms you are working on. We include our style pack of pages for your notebook.
And in step three you’ll go through our two part Room Recipe Workshop with four key ingredients (foundation, comfort, story and senses) you can use to decorate any space over time in meaningful ways. In part two of Room Recipe you’ll learn how to use our Decorating Cheat Sheets so you’ll have handy beneficial designer formulas, tips and tricks .
Our three foundational courses are available to new members for a limited time, so join us so you can get started right away AND you’ll also receive our fresh and fun live weekly lessons, resources and activities all which feature practical design tips and step by step decorating methods.
I suggest the HomeBody Gathering Place annual membership to not only make the greatest impact on your home, but to get even more membership perks and discounts!

HomeBody Gathering Place is designed to help you create a home you truly love. You’ll be surrounded by a lovely community on this same journey so you’ll never feel alone. Can’t wait to see you in the HGP!
Learn more and join us to become a yearly or monthly member of HomeBody Gathering Place this week only! Our Style Session begins Monday March 5th, so join now before our doors close to begin the spring season.

Credit : Source Post